Freitag, 19. Juni 2009

my treatment

At least I have finished my treatment!
For several years the neck muscles pressed head blood vessels.
Therefore I had strong headaches and memory became worse.
It is very difficult - to go to doctors.
It is morally difficult.
I am very happy that now it is over.
Now I feel myself absolutely another person!
Certainly there are unpleasant feelings, strong rushes of blood in a
head, but everything will be ok soon.
I would like very much not to see the doctors for long-long time!

Dienstag, 22. April 2008


My friend goes to have a rest on Santorini. I want too!!!
Why always happens this – if I want something very much – it is always impossible? May be I have to do something? But what?
One my friend has told that it is necessary to learn to live without the word I WANT. It is easy to say. How to live without wanting something? Only monks, probably, can do that.

Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008


I do not like to go to cinemas at all. I go there only when I'm asked by my beloved person. I don't like that so loud sound. For me this sound spoils everything. I understand people who go to cinemas or in simple theatres.
They like the big screen. But I with the great pleasure look at the sky - stars. This is also a huge screen. Impression - shaking. And the sound is extraordinary!

Samstag, 29. Dezember 2007

Happy Christmas!


Montag, 17. Dezember 2007


Is really everything so sad? If to speak about the Earth as a whole - here, I think, it will adjust pollution by itself: oil and coal will end much earlier, than the atmosphere will finally become soiled, the bacteria come instead of felled forests absorbing carbonic gas … in addition at modern rates of development of new technologies I won't be surprised, if in the near future alternative energy sources will be found.As to sweet… it is better to eat everything you ant and to live 65 years,than 70 years to dream of a piece of a pie or fat meat. You won't need any diet if you indulge in sport!

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007


It's a great example of positive treatment to life! Smile to the world and the world will smile toyou )).

Donnerstag, 15. November 2007


I absolutely disagree: Ron, and other actors are perfectly picked up in the movie. The only failure is Harry Potter… No, in
the first part he looked not so bad, but now – he'd better play a
professional football player but not a young magician.

Samstag, 3. November 2007


I think that soon in Europe will live only rats. After the 3rd world
war. Already in Europe besides people and rats remained may be birds. No onecan solve this situation already. USA only will make faster the process ofpeople disappearing everywhere.

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my treatment
At least I have finished my treatment! For several...
KenBarret - 19. Jun, 10:10
My friend goes to have a rest on Santorini. I want...
KenBarret - 22. Apr, 17:22
I do not like to go to...
I do not like to go to cinemas at all. I go there only...
KenBarret - 13. Feb, 02:43
Happy Christmas!
KenBarret - 29. Dez, 01:59
Is really everything...
Is really everything so sad? If to speak about the...
KenBarret - 17. Dez, 08:05




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